Friday, 28 January 2011

Arrived home a week ago today

I'm writing this at the end of the day, rather than during events or soon after. A week after arriving home from Oz, jet lag still affects evening energy levels. As I'm writing this in the evening, any thoughts and events relating to the day are shrouded in a mist - unlike the picture to the left, which I took on a bracing walk to Topsham this morning.
I took many pictures of water-related scenes, boats and skies. As I have a tendency to favour photographs which feature brightly coloured artefacts, this was an obvious choice. This time, skies and watery scenes couldn't complete. The temperatures have dropped and it has been a very cold day, leading to the purchase of more layers of warm cycling clothes and a flourescent cycling jacket. The general plan is that all the walking will naturally lead to cycling - maybe next week. A jogger was hit by a car yesterday, just up the road, near the garage.
When we returned from yesterday's outing, the main road was closed and we guessed it was the result of an accident, due to the helicopter overhead and the sirens heard a bit later. Jogging is such an apparently innocent occupation that it is at odds with such a horrible event. As anyone who has cylced or walked along this stretch knows, it isn't designed or suitable for pedestrians and vehicles. I'm going to need the flourescent jackiet.

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