Friday 8 May 2015

Stormy Seas

Leaving Frankenstein Country

Carpets of orchids by the roadside

Travelling through Griffin Vulture country

Snowy mountains

More unidentified roadside flowers

Tugs in waiting

Wounded soldier

She arrived three hours late. All was quiet for a very long time. No vehicles appeared. Her bow doors had jammed. We waited and waited and waited with the bikers, truckers, dog walkers, cyclists, car fiddlers and brightly dressed shorts wearing returnees. She eventually turned full circle in the dark to let vehicles out of the stern... backwards for many. A few more hours passed. It's hard to get comfortable in a super vehicle when you want to go to bed. The cafe was re-opened. People quietened and the less restless slept in their cars. Lucky old camper and caravaners. The leather-clad bikers must have been freezing, which could have been the reason for the cafe re-opening. 

In the early hours of the morning we made it onto the boat, doing a u-turn inside and parking awkwardly. We abandoned the car in the ship and headed for the cabin and a bed. The fact that the boat was a wounded soldier gave me the creeps. Bow doors and all that. The sea was initially lively which doesn't suit my overactive imagination. I couldn't think of anything else but Kate and Leo swimming along dark corridors. I coincidentally happened to be reading a short story about a drowned husband. A giant rolling sea-saw, juddering and creaking. I wore my head torch on my wrist just in case. 

Here I am at home writing this. It didn't turn out badly after all. Another adventure looms. Off to London tomorrow.

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