Wednesday 29 April 2015

Braised Moorhen and Coot Risotto

That's what you might find on the menu in the latest location, according to 'the book'. 

There are birds everywhere in rice fields. Today's record of 55 birds is the best yet. Unfortunately the star bird of the day is a duck - a Marbled Duck. It looks quite harmless and nicely patterned, but without the dash of a Red-crested Pochard or the fabulous blue bill of the White-headed Duck.

First hide visit in the amazing Ebro Delta

Spot the Marbled Duck! (digi-scoped from miles away)

This duck is the right way up but blends in well with the mosquitos. I took this picture twenty minutes before an American tour group turned up. Half saw the bird and the other half didn't. It was so entertaining. The group and the initial sighting of the bird. If you're an expert and interested, this was at Albufera Marsh early this morning and not Ebro Delta.


  1. That duck may be dull but it looks very cute! Imagine if we humans were judged by how colourful we were. We'd all be boring as hell. I've been loving your pics ma, so much lovely landscape. Have you seen any waders now that you're near the coast? I'm gearing myself up for seeing a whole lot myself! xxx

  2. We are in 'brilliant' habitat! Its very Dutch in its flat landscape, with cycle tracks, rice fields, waders\ducks, AND Dutch people. It has medieval history and associated old buildings all around... some just decaying and others being renovated. There is a pungent aroma of jasmine/orange blossom in the air in the evening - lovely again.
