Thursday 16 April 2015

Misty, wet, cold and queasy

An unusual bump

The lumpen bump symbolises the lack of joyful activity on a misty, wet and cold day in the mountains. I probably nearly poisoned us on yesterday's arrival picnic and am feeling about as enthusiastic as the weather. Last night's dinner didn't help and we're sticking to pubs from now on. Bring on the tv football and enthusiastic friendly people.

Nothing like a nice cup of tea!

As the day unfurled, I wrote a phone list of mainly highlights to distract from the lows. It reads as follows:

Misty, wet and cold in Sierra de Cazorla
Queasy, post-stomach ache
Approachable fox in the forest
Drove mountain roads to source of Guadalquiver River 
Crested Tits
Less Mist and rain
Mistle Thrush flying to nest - watched from a distance
Recorded Red-billed Choughs calling in ravine at Griffin Vulture site

Driving back, nearly got the super huge beeping vehicle stuck in a slim street. It was extremely nerve wracking, particularly as the street narrowed gently as we squeezed through between the houses. It was either the houses or us. We may have had three inches on either side. I hopped out to monitor the squeeze and the poor driver had to put up with super-beeps inside, getting louder and more shouty. We just made it, but goodness knows what we would have done it we'd got stuck.......   

Encounter with a forest fox

1 comment:

  1. Such a great fox. I often poke your photos in front of Nina's face when they pop up on facebook and yesterday I thought I'd show her the stove/kettle pic, which of course she loved, then she went on fb herself and exclaimed 'your mother has taken pictures of a beautiful fox, and you chose to show me a KETTLE!??!' hahha.

    Really pleased you didn't get stuck. That would have been worse than Gategate. xxx
