Tuesday 28 April 2015

The flamingo effect

Sylvia (the car) was grounded today. The getting lost stakes seem to be getting higher each day. She was on 'restricted roaming', limited to a 5km radius. So today's pics are relatively sedate.

Synchronised feeders 

These feeding ducks were much easier than trying to get a Flamingo with its head up. As you may know, I'm not a particular fan of ducks (except for White Headed Ducks and Red-Crested Pochard), but they are good at synchronising. 

Taking pics of flamingos is compulsive

There are some birds and butterflies and other 'things' which just have to be photographed... and photographed... and photographed again - in the hope that the next one will be even better. The reality is that they tend to get worse and the frustration factor sets in. This was the only one that had its head out of the water. I have labelled the compulsion to take pics of flashy birds etc. 'the flamingo effect'. 

This Swallowtail Butterfly created an instant flamingo effect 

When the gaudy stuff isn't showing - head for the beach

It was a huge oasis of windswept pristine beach with ships and tower blocks on most horizons. 

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