Monday 27 April 2015

Montitxelvo, Ontinyent, Marxuquera

A day in the car (Sylvia). 

Passed towns with difficult to say names

Also made up stories about the names to pass the time. The story based on Montitxelvo was about an unfortunate child who was given the name. The next instalment will focus on how the name is to be shortened at different phases in her lifetime. I was actually quite pleased with this one and it caused me to laugh a lot - and even the driver.

It's just as well we were in good humour. We focused really hard on finding tonight's Parador and were feeling very smug after we booked in and decided to drive up the road, to find the visitor centre for Albufera Marsh - our habitat for tomorrow.

We drove up the road for a while and before we knew it 'the road' turned into a 'motorway', with no means of escape. We were duly sucked in and the only way home was to continue onwards. The further we went, the more we were sucked in and so it went on. I would add that our map is hopeless, with road numbers being completely different to those shown on the signs. Although we don't use the sat nav, it has the habit of contradicting the numbers on the road signs. 

We drove miles and a few more and eventually escaped to the country, going from manic autovista to tiny thin roads by the side of drainage ditches. These often had little thin bridges which give me the creeps, in case we don't fit through. We won through, in typical John Wayne style and even managed to clock up a Whiskered Tern which we're adding to our 'when we're lost' bird list.

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